University. Williams was taken 21st, but bounced around from team to team for nine years before retiring due to injuries. Not a very notable career, but Williams cut his criminal teeth during his playing days, smashing a beer mug over some guy’s head in a Chicago bar in 1992. He was later accused of firing off a few rounds from a semiautomatic weapon in the Meadowlands parking lot. But this is where the fun stops. In 2002, Williams was giving a tour of his lavish 30,000 square foot mansion when the shotgun he was showing off went off accidentally and shot and killed limo driver Costas Christofi. Williams was taser-ed in a New York City hotel after becoming suicidal and violent and a few months later punching a man in the face at a bar. A week before his sentencing he was charged with DWI after an accident. Williams pleaded guilty to aggravated assault. February 23, 2010, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison with possible parole after 18 months,standard for killing someone I believe. (If you are a former or current millionaire athlete.)
The shooting raises many questions
#1: What exactly do you have to do in the NBA to get a 30,000 square foot house? Williams was a bust in the 1990 draft and
didn’t exactly do much in his NBA career.
#2: Why did the trial just end a few weeks ago when the tour consisted of an entire basketball team of witnesses?
#3: Who is Jayson Williams?
#1: The 30,000 square foot mansion is given out to anyone who is freakishly huge and can jump one foot off the ground.
#2: The trial actually was settled with a $2.75 million settlement in 2003. In 2006, an appeals court decided to retry
Williams for reckless manslaughter and was delayed many times before finally reaching it’s end on January 11, 2010.
#3: A dangerous, overweight, NBA bust.
2) Adam "Pacman" Jones

3) Food, Cocaine, and basketball: A love story. By Shawn Kemp

4) Ron Mexico, eh sorry, Michael Vick.

In March 2005, Sonya Elliott filed a civil lawsuit against Vick alleging she contracted genital herpes and cottage cheese crotch, due to - unprotected sex with a millionare athlete, good idea?. Elliot further alleged that Vick had visited clinics under the alias "Ron Mexico" to get treatments and thus knew of his condition. Many fans bought custom jerseys from NFL.com with Vick's number 7 and the name "MEXICO" on the back, people are sick, the NFL banned customizing jerseys with the name Mexico before I could get mine. Dog lovers the world over hate this man and I suppose it's with good cause. Mike was the ringleader of an illegal dog fighting operation. If a dog lost or was too beat up from the fight, the dog got killed. Vick was convicted of this heinous crime and sentenced to some hard anal time behind bars. The good news is that Vick claims to be rehabilitated and even found Jesus while behind bars (Not Gee-zus, but hay-zues, vicks new latino lover). Although Vick failed a drug test for marijuana while behind bars, my suspicion is that Vick and his posse smoked large amounts of crack prior to bludgeoning the dogs. What Mike Vick did was wrong, it was terrible, and disgusting. But he paid his debt to society and is now back in the NFL so he slides back to number 4 on my list. Mr. Mexico lost an estimated 135 million dollars because of the dog fightin incident. GET EM!

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