7) Darryl Strawberry

Why is he making the list you may ask? First in the early 90's he failed to pay his child support, pretty standard for millionare athletes. Then on April 3, 1999, he was arrested for soliciting sex from a policewoman posing as a prostitute and for possessing cocaine, he was sentenced to 21 months probation. On September 11, 2000, in Tampa, Strawberry tried to drive to see his probation officer after taking painkillers. While driving, he blacked out, rear-ended another car, and then tried to drive away. An off-duty police officer witnessed the episode and arrested him at gunpoint. The next day, Strawberry admitted to the charges and his probation was changed to two years of house arrest. For starters, you cannot blame him for being a coke head; He played in New York from 1983-90, let's be far, nuns were the only non coke users in NY in the 80's. As for soliciting a prostitute, I see no harm in that, sounds like a brilliant idea. The REAL crime Strawberry committed was being a part of the 86' Mets that beat my Red Sox. Shame on you Darryl. Shame on you for breaking a young boy's heart. Even though I wasn't born yet. It's pretty obvious that he probably ingested his weight in cocaine on a daily basis. He ate it, snorted it and probably even found a way to use it as milk for his cheerios. Well done, sir.
More notable Strawberry dates include:
On October 25, 2000, Strawberry violated his house arrest and parole.
On November 9, he was sentenced to 40 days in jail with credit for time served.
On November 3, 2000, Strawberry told a judge in Tampa that he had lost his will to live.
November 30, he was released from jail and sent back to rehab.
On April 2, 2001, Strawberry was arrested for violating his house arrest and parole.
On May 1, he was sentenced to more time at a drug treatment center.
On March 12, 2002, Strawberry was back in jail for violating rules at the drug treatment center
On April 29, he was ordered to serve the 22-month suspended prison sentence from 1999.
6) Doc Gooden

Doc is another 1980s Met whose criminal accomplishments are every bit as impressive as his on-the-field successes. You knew the Doc was special early on after winning the Cy Young Award in 1985 at age 20, In 1986 the Mets won their first World Series in 17 years. At the team’s victory parade, Gooden didn’t show up, his team would cover for him by saying he overslept. Do you really think Gooden is number 6 on this list because he had a problem with sleeping or possibly because he was in the middle of a cocaine binge? Gooden tested positive for cocaine in 1987, twice more in 1994, picked up a DUI in 2003, and was most recently arrested for a domestic disturbance. A dependable performer that can be counted on regularly for drug and alcohol induced scuffs with the law. Following a few more seasons and a rape accusation, Gooden ended his career in 2001 by winning another World Series and lived a lavish life with this three championship rings and went on to get arrested for drunk driving, punching his wife in the face, and running from a police traffic stop.
5) Plaxico Burress

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