Logan Morrison hits first triple as ill father watches from stands.
I don't often find myself feeling emotion for other people, it's just not me, good or bad I try not to make others lives a concern of my own. But it's the stories like this that anybody with a heart can feel for.
And it brings me to this -
The factor sports can play in building a father and son's relationship.
This is nothing new, almost everybody in America grew up playing catch with their father; But even in adulthood sports can play a significant role.
From personal experience as a 23 year old, almost all of my conversations with my father begins with sports; It can veer off in an unlimited number of directions, but it always starts with sports. After a hard day of work no man wants to talk religion, politics, or philosophy - But no matter the situation most men can talk sports. Especially in a city like Boston, sports is so ingrained in our psyche. Sox, Pats, Celts, Bruins - You have something to say about one of those 4 things right now - I can guarantee it.
Boys growing up will immediately and instinctively look to their father and copy them, our first personalities are almost an extension of our fathers. Getting your first glove and bat, watching your first ball game, playing your first ball game in front of your father - It's all so magical at the time, and maybe you never really forget.
What else can bring together fathers and sons from almost any walk of life; Rich or poor, fat or skinny, American or European, smart or stupid - as men we generally all enjoy sports, whatever sport it may be.
I've always looked at sports as being a major contributing factor to the bond I have with my father. I can still smell the terrible old Fenway bathroom, I still remember sitting on his shoulders at my first Bruins game, I remember watching the first Superbowl winning Patriots team - I was on the couch right next to my father. A lot of my good times and bad times have hinged on sports teams (as sad as that may be) - And usually even the bad times aren't so bad, because me and pops will always have another season to watch next year.